15 dpo bfn clearblue digital. I have two more to try tomorrow.

15 dpo bfn clearblue digital Heya Hun I got a faint positive on an Ic at 9 dpo an the one on FR and one on asda own this mornin at 11 dpo but I'm not brave enough to do a CB congrats Hun :) I'm 10dpo ovulation today had a temp dip yesterday but then back up again today and I tested with a clear blue digi today but got a BFN. I'm exactly cd30 and 15 dpo today! I got tiny cramps and stretching feelings as well. Pregnancy Week 15. When I search everyone seems to get results the opposite way round (bfp on FRER but bfn on CB digital) and FRER is supposed to be more sensitive. I got this faint positive (I believe on the clearblue rapid--i know I know its all i got). So according to the OPKs I ovulated on the 1st (CD13 of a 28 day cycle). I took a FRER on 11 DPO and was BFN. I tested on the first day of my missed period then a couple days later and again few days after that, all negative. 2 days Late for AF but BFN. I think I read that first response can read as low as 6/7 mUl and digitals can range from 10/25 mUl so I believe you need more HCG to catch a positive on those. Decided to splurge and use one of my Clearblue digital ones this morning and it says "Pregnant 1-2 weeks". 12 DPO - BFP Hi guys, am still hanging on the hope the I can still be pregnant since AF is still not here. I didn't test again until 15 dpo (day af was due) and the line was noticeably darker. 9 dpo - BBT stayed the same. It didn't come. 13 dpo I Hello! My husband and I are trying for our first baby and this is our third month trying. Period due on Tuesday or wedensday With my son I only got bfp at 15 Dpo, it was still perfectly negative at 13 Dpo. 14, 2016 Common. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs Clear blue digi have been reported to test with a sensitivity as low as 8 mIU even through the box says 25! Check out peeonastick. All our tests contain a small desiccant tablet which is included to absorb moisture and should not be eaten. Got busy with life and became distracted from testing until one late night it occurred to me that AF was almost a month late. I'm not holding any hopes as two cycles ago, AF arrived on cd 33 I thought i'd reply to this post, I'm not sure if this will help but I am approximately 12 or 13, or maybe 14 dpo today. 5 miu I am 8 dpo, I think. I’m on CD 27 so about 13/14 dpo. 14 DPO & 13DPO | easy @ home & clear blue early digital | BFP after 10DPO BFN BFP I’ve searched “positive after 10DPO negative” so many times on this sub, so I wanted to help those who may also search for that. Yes! I took a FRER on 8dpo and it was negative. Took one at 15 dpo and it was positive! Reply reply It seems you've used a word or acronym that members of this community prefer to avoid such as BFP/BFN. so that's where I got the 15 DPO from plus the OPK was positive a day before this. I guess I'll just wait it out and if AF doesn't show I'll test again in a few days Hi. Tested again tonight at 11DPO using an ultra early Clearblue, another BFN. 13 DPO Apr. Just tested again with a Select Care (Safeway brand) digital test and it was negative. 13 dpo I took one on a whim and it was a bfp! This time I did not think I was preggo, took a test 13 dpo and it was questionable. Gutted. Left hip sciatica pain for like half an hour. Typically up to 6. After a negative Clearblue digital and being worried my FRER wasn’t dark enough, I ran out and bought 3 different types of test. To explain why I have been testing early ( since 10 dpo) I have a blood clotting disorder and need to start blood thinners right away. then negative, then a clear blue digital positive I’ve lost all faith in my body and feel totally let down by it ☹️ Have you had anymore symptoms ? Xx . second line at 15 DPO. My period is due today and so thought i'd use up my FRER since it was 2 in a box, and also a CB digital as I have that lying around. Previous all lines were blurry or "maybe not there". I tested this morning, 15 dpo, with both a clear blue digital and FRER the day after my period is supposed to arrive. I even posted this same question! 11 DPO vvvfaint line (top) and 12 DPO (bottom). 18/09/2018 at 8:25 pm. So by 15 DPO, a home pregnancy test is quite likely to give you a reliable result ‒ which might mean a BFP (Big Fat Positive) if you’re pregnant. Tired. KM_1983. Its not over til AF arrives! mrshannah. Pregnancy Week 22. Looking for some hope but also realizing there’s always next month. I got a bfp on 7/4 and then today on 7/5 I got another bfp on frer line test (morning and afternoon, frer digital (morning), and clear blue digital (afternoon). Pregnancy Week 21. 78% of pregnant results can be detected 6 days before your missed period. AF was supposed to be today but I still have zero PMS symptoms (I always have this). SMU vvf BFP with clear blue and Superdrug own. I'm in the EXACT same situation except I did my clearblue at 11dpo with evening wee. Did Chelsie - I too have a 26/27 day cycle and AF should arrive today. Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! START A REGISTRY Guides I’m in the same situation. FWIW, I got a BFN on 11 DPO when I found out I was pregnant with DS#2. I'm about 13dpo today, AF due tomorrow. Good luck! Negative. Did not test the days in between Took a test this morning at 9 dpo and still BFN. Pregnancy Week 17 With dd I didn't until 3 days after af was due. Anonymous. weloveearlysleeptime · 15/06/2016 15:15 I tested early this month at 10 DPO and got a faint line on an FRER. Today is 15 dpo and after 2 losses, my test is the darkest it’s ever been :’) 10, 13, and 15 dpo all negative. jjonzey12. Feeling Impatient 13 dpo. . I have two more to try tomorrow. Promised myself and my husband I wouldn’t test again unless my period is late. Fertile days shown. 24. 1,2 The closer to the day your next period is due that you take it, the more time you’ll have had to produce hCG, and the If I am pregnant I would be due 3-15-17 so just over 4 weeks and my period was due wed. and I could sleep right now again, tender bbs but there not THAT noticeable. My previous pregnancy, which ended in MMC, I got a BFP at 10 DPO. I have tested and received a BFN. 10 DPO very obvious BFN. I have been feeling really nauseous and have noticed some breast changes. Although I ended up with an early miscarriage. Posted 09-13-18. Tested FRER 10dpo and got what I thought was a v v faint positive. Kd4 member. Just wait a few days. Unfortunately I’m kinda used to this by now but still hurts. 3rd pregnancy: Negative on FRER at 11 DPO, Positive blood test at 15 DPO 2nd pregnancy: Negative on FRER at 12 DPO, Positive on FRER at 17 DPO BFN - 9 & 11 dpo. I got my BFP on 14 DPO. Like. 8dpo And bfp. ( BFN) since 9 DPO, all pregnancy symptoms, except spotting. Show 6 Previous Comments 10 DPO Apr. Feeling warm as though coming down with something. I used the clearblue digital (smile vs empty circle). All my test have been negative so far and tomorrow is 17 dpo. I just wanted a super clear yes or no. I want to wait until I'm really late (hopefully) anyone else in the Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! at 10 DPO I got a BFN (I expected I would) on an equate non-digital. I know opks aren't definite, but man alive! I'm going nutso over here! This is cycle 2 of trying after a Mmc in oct. Has anyone had BFN's pass 15 DPO and still ended up pregnant? AF was due 2 days ago and I'm always on time. I’m still hopeful. I done a test this morning and BFN, I’m happy to follow with you so we can keep our spirits up, I’m TCC baby no 1 and the 2WW was awful. Af was due Dec 28 but did not come on time Took a test amd got a bfn. So I tested yesterday morning at 10DPO on a FRER using FMU. Most home tests can pick up even tiny levels of hCG. 11 DPO Apr. Cold. Pregnancy Week 19. So I guess it's "most likely" that you're out in that the chance that you won't get a positive this cycle is >50%, but it's still very possible and not uncommon to get a positive later. I have had lower back aches I'm 13dpo today and I got a bfn on frer which makes me feel out since I see alot of women get positives no later then 13dpo with frer. Basal Body Temperature, or the body’s temperature when you’re fully at rest. I’m currently at 14 dpo with BFN. 3. Very disheartening. BFP 13 DPO! Trying for a baby. Hey purplepeenut. I got a bfn and was totally bummed. Learn with Flo what to expect on your 15th day after ovulation. Additional comment actions. 2 Table One: Likelihood that a pregnant woman will get a positive result with the Clearblue Digital Ultra Early Pregnancy Test when testing on the days leading up to the 15 DPO is a significant milestone if you’re trying to get pregnant. Did a FRER digital on day 11 and pregmate negative. Early I feel very confused this morningAF was due Monday and my 32 day cycle is pretty regular (although I did have a random 34 day cycle back in November)Today is day 35 and according to Flo, I’m 15 dpo and still no signs of AF. in fact thought I wasn't present as got a BFN at 12-13DPO. On 10DPO I had a stark white negative, with my Update: BFP on clear blue digital this morning 14DPO! Wondfo still a faint line but darker than yesterday. This is what pregnancy tests will test to determine whether you’re pregnant. Continentalmama · 10/02/2020 15:13 Tested at 14dpo when period due but bfn and then another bfn at 16dpo and then today I tested again as still no AF which is very unusual and I got a faint BFP (on 3 tests so I don't think it's evap but This wait is seriously tormenting!!!!! One app says I'm now 3 days late, while another app says AF should start today soooo idk. Find out what it all means, now that you’re definitely late. Both Superdrug’s said BFN so then did the digi with not much hope and there read the words “positive”! so please don’t lose hope if you haven’t got your BFP super early like all these other people seem to! What the heck- neg this morning- tested with clear blue digital- I'm prob out too? j. Noticed an increase in appetite in these 3 days and needing to again pee A LOT. Has anyone else had a digital show pregnant this early. I tested again on 13 dpo, the day before my predicted period (pic 1) and you can’t see it but it was the squintiest of squinters. Pregnancy Week 24. ) 17 DPO - BFP (Still super faint but we got a digital test that was a BFP!) So don't lose 14 DPO BFN - Cramping and white discharge ? February 29, 2024 | by Wannabemamaaa. I’m 12DPO today and got a digital BFN. Is there still a chance I could be pregnant ? 15 DPO, late, but only BFN’s . Log out. BFN. Then DPO 12 at night pregmate had a faint line and clearblue digital said positive. My period is due in 2 days, so I know I’m out I got pregnant the first try with both my sons, and got positives 4 days before my missed period, so now I feel like something is wrong which I know is not the case at all Today I am 11 dpo (af due 7/9). All this past few days my frers were negative. 3) above my coverline (97. Her period is due any day on 5. Do the lines on the clear blue digital ovulation monitor mean anything? Clare S(963) 18/08/2013 at 4:49 pm. I am a POASaholic and have taken a test every day for three days and they are all BFN. Discover 5 DPO - increased appetite, BFN today 6 DPO (today) - FATIGUE slept until noon, + a nap. When are you due to start? 15DPO FMU FRER/15DPO SMU First Response Digital. Tracking BBT is a tool some I got a BFN with it but I am only 9 or 10 DPO. Pregnancy Week 20. I had a dip at 9dpo implantation?I had a BFN at 10 dpo then 11 dpo BFP with frer and digital!FX for you! loveinbinary I tested on 12 DPO and 15 DPO and got BFNs. Could it still be too early to tell if I am indeed Today, I decided to get the clear blue digital, just to take the guess work out of it and another negative test. I gave up at 12dpo after another BFN and just accepted that AF was on her way. Go to page number. comments. I got a BFN with it but I am only 9 or 10 DPO. Clear blue digitals are not that sensitive at all. My account. Riley Annalise born 2/25/08 ( 3 weeks early weighing 8 lbs 12. With DD I had an obvious BFN on a FRER 10dpo and a faint BFP 11dpo with FMU also with a FRER confirmed with clearblue digital same day at 10:am. I chart and use digital OPK - both showing I O'd on day 14I'm torn as well b/c I feel sooo tired and my boobs are bigger and veiny. Like Violation Reported 11 DPO and another BFN for me as well, but my temps are up and it’s playing with my head. This is what i did and i am convinced i saw Posted by u/FitzNgiggles - 2 votes and no comments How early can I test? You can use Early Digital and Early Detection 6 days before your missed period (5 days before you expect your period). Another cycle of getting more familiar with Clearblue Digital Fertility Monitor and working with timing to attempt to increase our chances of conceiving a girl. I had ovulated (I used tests to calculate) we did baby dance 2x the week I ovulated & day of ovulation sorry if tmiafter 15 dpo I got what I think was my period(was 3/4 days late) the day I was due my period I did a clear blue digital and it was negative!my "period?" I spent a little more and got the clear blue digital ones. 27/03/2019 at 1:40 pm. Yesterday on October 31 at 12 DPO I was cramping, Latest: 3 months ago | BabyDust9999. Feb 17, 2011 I had a BFN all the way from 11 DPO to 15DPO, then i gave up and thought AF is definitely coming. just a slight tenderness in the "meat" of my breasts, BFN today 7 DPO - siatic pain (weird, huh?) and increased smell sensitivity. My wife got a positive reading on the clear blue digital last night, 05/01/24, before bed. I did with my first. My question is did any of you test negative on a clear blue digital on 12dpo. at 12 DPO I got a faint BFP with a FRER, at lunch that day I went and got a clear blue digital and sure enough, BFP That was 3 days before AF was due for me. I told myself to wait until a couple of days after when I would expect my period (period is due this Wednesday), but I was impatient Hi. ) Chemical pregnancy 3/2010. 8dpo BFP FRER and clear blue digital. Digital results (no interpretation of Today I am 11 dpo (af due 7/9). At 16 DPO (16 days past ovulation, for anyone who hasn’t been on this ride with us so far) I took a clear Blue digital when I woke up @ 11:30 and it was BFN too! The clear blue digital isn't as sensitive as other tests. 14 DPO & 13DPO | easy @ home & clear blue early digital | BFP after 10DPO BFN 2. I got a bfp on a 10mIU cheapie, a clearblue digital dates, and bfn on a frer. I have used mostly the Premom tests and one clear blue red dye test two days ago. I am dpo16 with no sign of AF with a bfn on dpo 15. The test is indicated for use from 5 days before the date of the expected period (6 days before missed period). Temps still up & Scared to test 15DPO I decided to use a clearblue digital just to see as I had never used one before. 2. Got a BFN at 10dpo on a clearblue early detect digital test. The test states its 82% accuarate three days before but states you need to use first wee of the day. ️ Reply reply Discover Clearblue® Early Digital, our most sensitive digital pregnancy test that gives you digital results 6 days early. Wed night I took a First Response test and it was BFP. no just used the clear blue ovulation tests, which were positive on 2 and 3 March and then negative on 4th. With my first I felt very dizzy and swore I was preggo 10 dpo. I also did a clear blue digital which said “not pregnant” but I opened it up and saw two faint lines in the areas where the test would come up. The line on my FRER this time round was pretty faint at 12/13 dpo but it Evening ladies, I've been testing with ic for few days, bfn, 13dpo today so did clear blue digital and again bfn af due Fri ish I think (not long had Community Find your birth club CD33 (15 DPO) - Period due, BFN CD34 (16DPO) - No symptoms that I recorded, BFN CD40 (22 DPO) - Brown CM, wet feeling, stomach feels full kind of like constipated feeling, subtle heartburn, BFN on clearblue digital CD41 (23DPO) - Brown spotting, pink droplets, under armpits/side of boobs a little sore, at night had a terrible headache and AF is due tomorrow so if she doesn't appear think I will test on Wednesday. ive just done CVS has clearblue digital tests on sale so I got those, which I have never used before. So don't lose hope until AF shows. 12 DPO negative is a better I'm also 15 dpo (AF due yesterday) and still testing negative . X. See At this point I’ve received dark BFP 3 days in a row with FRER (not progressing in color) but multiple BFN on all other tests - Clearblue digital, wondfo, easy@home. I got a bfn 7/5 on a Walmart cheapie in the same. I have never been late. Last edited 22-04-10. I did get a line on a dollar tree At 10 DPO, the median is above that threshold, but it's not til 11 DPO that 90% are above that, and at 12 DPO the vast majority. 37K subscribers in the TFABLinePorn community. I had a peak OPK CD12 so even if I ovulated the same day as my peak the maximum I am is 9 DPO but I'm pretty sure I ovulated early hours of CD13. Used fmu today with a clearblue digital with weeks estimator because it's all I had (target had a sale last month). I actually felt like I was getting my period for a few days but now those This month I am currently on day 27 and tested on the 26 with a BFN on Clear Blue Digital (NOT PREGNANT). Today is 16 DPO and I’ve had two negative pregnancy tests and no period . No sign of AF at all. Had to do Good Morning! I was just looking for a little insight from the group. Yes. Usually clearblue is fairly reliable and if you and that EWCM around the same time then it makes sense that you can confirm ovulation. Just wondering if anyone can share their pregnancy stories with very late BFN (like beyond 14dpo, if any). If you're seeing a faint line on the FRER, try the digital They come in a 3 pack at CVS, so even if todays is negative, tomorrow's might not be. The pregnancy hormone increases rapidly in early pregnancy and Clearblue ® Digital Pregnancy Test can be used as early as 5 days before the missed period (4 days before the expected period). Tested this morning 17dpo with FRER and its more faint again- I can barely see a line. I started testing on Saturday and would get an extremely faint second line. I thought AF would arrive at 15 DPO but it didn't! 9 DPO - BFN 10 DPO - BFN 11 DPO - BFN 12 DPO - BFN 13 DPO - BFN 14 DPO - BFN 15 DPO - BFN 16 DPO - BFP (So faint I thought I was making it up. With my last in 2010 I forget how late I was and even the test at the Dr was 42K subscribers in the TFABLinePorn community. See the chart below for results from clinical testing I received a BFN on 13 DPO but decided to check again on 14 DPO and had a very very faint BFP (I used clearblue digital for the first test and first response for the second). I have tested like crazy starting at 8dpo. "Not pregnant". This is just a friendly reminder to avoid using these terms. Trying for a baby. AF was due Friday, which would have been 15 DPO. I've read that it is 40mIU compared to others that are 20-25mIU. The Clearblue Digital Ultra Early Pregnancy Test is our most sensitive digital pregnancy test (10mIU/mL) and can detect pregnancy up to 6 days before the missed period. It took ages to come up, but it said i wasnt pregnant, so i then had read about taking the test apart and just look at the strips. Quickly left work and drove to superdrug, picked up 2 of their own brand ones and a clear blue digi. Hope26 · 15/02/2017 23:59 Tested today, BFP! All the best ladies x . Faint positive on FRER about 8pm. Yesterday afternoon, I had one instance of discharge the exact consistency of ovulation discharge (stretchy, streaky) BUT it was brown and white and nothing like I’ve seen before. I got a not pregnant at 15dpo when I was pregnant. 4. Has anyone had a BFP later than 15dpo when testing every day? Has anyone had BFN's pass 15 DPO and still ended up pregnant? AF was due 2 days ago and I'm always on time. Maybe it isn't as good at early detection as advertised?? Like. Digitals negative though. I’ve had all the symptoms. Advertisement | page continues below. July 2010. With this one I got a faint faint line at 13 dpo. 3) Can start to use So frigging excited Counted myself out after BFN’s for the past few days, not a hint of a line at 15dpo but woke up to this BFP this morning 16dpo. I use easy@home and clear blue digital smiley for opk. 16 DPO, BFN but late period. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical in Yes still a chance hun. I'm so confused - I thought frer was supposed to be the best. I’m 16 dpo, took test this early morning with clear blue digital The pink ones are the First Response Early Results v the ClearBlue Digital. BBT. BFN 12 DPO, BFP 16DPO, FRER BFP Got a BFN on 12DPO on a premom cheapie so thought i was out. Quote Tested days 9 and 10 and got BFN. I have never been 3 days late EVER. 0. Usually, this means: Kristie C(15) 22/03/2019 at 10:41 am. 3. If accidentally swallowed please seek medical advice and for any further questions contact our This was my first month using OPKs. Go to page number / 2. MrsChelseaP09. sarahc336 · 22/12/2019 15:52 When I had a bfp I'd tested bfn at dpo 11,12 and 13 then quite a strong line at 14 dpo so it can happen and the line can kinda come over night, I am 12dpo and tested this morning and got a BFN on clear blue digital. I feel very nauseus specially when I drink or eat, and sore boobs and white think cm. (Can’t handle seeing another Hey girls just got a faint positive on frer so did a clear blue digital and got negative!! Could this be as in only 10-11 dpo?? Has anybody else had a negative then got a positive nearer when AF is due!! Hello everyone! I am 13 dpo, 1 day late for AF. 11 DPO First Response & Clear Blue. 1 If you test before your expected period and get a ‘Not Pregnant’ (negative) result, there is still a chance you may be pregnant. It can happen! Big Boy N - 2009 Little Man Z - 2011 Baby Girl E - 2013. I have been early, but never late. I've a doctor's visit booked for Monday. We had a family dinner planned and I was looking forward to knocking back a few drinks so I figured I'd take a test one more time that afternoon. I did a clear blue digital today at 12 dpo and got a bfn am I testing too early or is it AF on the way? I know you guys can't say for sure but just some support and advice would be great xx 15 pm. Pregnancy Week 23. It came back negative. I can't give you any stories but I got my at 13 dpo on Wednesday, today is Friday 15 dpo and my period is due today! So far she is a no show an I hope The doctors office that tested used a clearblue I tested yesterday morning, 16 dpo BFN!! I'm not really having many symptoms of either AF or pregnancy, but heres what I have so far: 10-14dpo: nothing but tiredness, some constipation, and little I'm also 10 DPO and got a BFN today. I’m now 15 DPO so AF is late, and out of curiosity (because I’ve seen it done here before) I took one of my clear blue digital OPK’s - and was surprised to see a smiley! I’m now 15 DPO so AF is late, and out of curiosity Possible FRER squinter and digital clear blue tests 14 DPO, CD30 Possible Squinter FRER squinter and digital clear blue tests 14 DPO, CD30 I got a BFN today on 12 dpo and wondering if there’s and hope for the next two days. November 2011. Some people do not get a BFP before 13-14 DPO, so I say you are not out till you get your AF. Had some poss implantation cramps at the start of the week so felt positive but Internet cheapies were all BFNs on days 10,11,12 dpo and this morning. 5) and the 3 FRER (11dpo-13dpo) I took were all BFN. Today, 18 dpo I went in for hcg beta which came back Tested evening 16dpo with CB digital & it immediately said PG 1-2weeks. Feeling a bit sicky at night. Light CM. Last month we had CP and was prescribed letrozole by my OB for this cycle. I actually forgot about it until my dad's birthday two days later. tested 16DPO with a digital clear blue no pregnant but I’ve been exhausted the past two days with a headache that could kill a man. Then u used a digital test when I was a day late, and it was positive. 10 dpo - BBT started to rise again Hiya right me and my oh are trying to conceive. Pregnancy. 2 days later dec. Looking at pregnancy charts on fertility friend and most have bfp by 15 dpo. Test sensitivity is 10mIU/ml. The line was faint but it was there. I’m 11 dpo today and AF due Saturday. She took a clear blue regular test this morning and it was negative. Vvvf positive test with FMU on Clear blue early. Implantation, the process where the fertilized egg cozies up to your uterine wall, has likely already happened. BFP (and BFN) Big Fat Positive, meaning a positive pregnancy test result. 11 DPO - All symptoms gone. 15, 2016 Common. I’m 12 dpo today and got a BFN on the same test though I really thought I was pregnant. I think two positive FRERs, but the ClearBlue fancy one says “not pregnant”?! I was about to get all excited with my husband, until we took the ClearBlue, and now he says we shouldn’t get our hopes up as we have that negative 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Remember 10 dpo is still early, even with the early tests. 2 Rapid Detection can be used 5 days before your missed period (4 DS- Brenden born 11/13/93 Missed miscarriage on March 6, 2007 @ 9 weeks D&C on March 8th 2007. 5 mg on day 3-7 as directed. Clearblue ® Digital Ovulation Test Pinpoints your 2 most fertile days. jewls47. Posted 20-03-11. You’re 16 DPO. Promised I wouldn't test early this month and didn't but did a test today an was bfn. I am currently 4 weeks pregnant. DISCUSSION 15 DPO, all negative tests, 3 days late and clear blue pregnancy tests. I know it’s early but I had a bfp with my son at 8dpo so I feel like I’m out now. Clearblue® Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown can be used to test 5 days before your missed period (which is 4 days before your expected period). I'm visiting from the TTGP board. Pregnancy Week 18. Aah! I am about 15 DPO and my breasts are sore and they feel very warm. I got a vvfl at 14dpo after all bfn’s and received my positive on a digital at 17dpo. Test tomorrow, and get a different brand if possible. BFP - 14 dpo 10 DPO with clear blue easy digital . 8 oz. Today I'm 9dpo, tested with FRER 6 day sooner and got a BFN. I tested due to increased cervical mucus (tmi) white lotion like discharge & lower cramping. Fingers crossed you get your BFP tomorrow :) j. Pregnancy Week 17. If you're testing before implantation has occured I tested with FR on Sat afternoon (12 or 14 dpo) and got a BFN then a BFP on Wed when I tested again as was then 1 day late. Is it possible to still be pregnant at 15 dpo but negative tests? Was hoping Saturday was implantation bleeding. Hi. When taking the test, follow the instructions as best you can. Jules and Tuck- 12/15/10 Report 0 Reply. sianloupot. k. 12-14 dpo and all very negative tests. Your period is likely overdue if you have a regular 28-day cycle. Bfn with a clearblue digital on 10ish (1day before I was due for my period). Don't want to lose hope but a little bit deflated as I've had SO many symptoms. However my temps are very high (98. If pregnant, hCG levels should be detectable by most pregnancy tests. harrietlou @Whitma232, using FRER. (In hindsight It was hot out and i work outside so i was chugging alot of water and it was in the afternoon i tested after only a 2 hour hold. I used clearblue digital test. Fwiw I got a bfn on the day my period was due, and then a bfp three days later. Anyways, we had a test here, so we just thought we would try it. I'm due af next Sunday too! Hopefully well get our BFP's together! Last cycle I had a CP with a positive on 17 dpo that immediately faded, and this cycle I have yet to get a positive on 15 dpo, again sure of ovulation within about 36 hours as I had an ultrasound showing a corpus luteum. I'll be so gutted to see a :BFN:. in my last pregnancy i used the clearblue digital with conception This past cycle I used letrazole 2. I’m certain of when I ovulated because I used ovulation tests and temped. (Tried for 7 cycles for that one). Had to do medicated IUI with Okay so I got my first bfp at 9 dpo and then had it confirmed at 10 dpo witha beta level at 10. @mcgeelisha, 12 DPO BFN. At this point I’ve received dark BFP 3 days in a row with FRER (not progressing in color) but multiple BFN on all other tests - Clearblue digital, wondfo, easy@home. If your LP is 14 days then you need to wait until 14/15 dpo. I tested at 12 dpo and bfn. All with the same fmu. later that night took 2 more clear blue rapid detection & got a stronger bfp. And it looks markedly darker than two days ago. I tested again the day AF was due (yesterday) and got an extremely faint line on a dollar store test. I’ve had a definite bfn on a frer this morning at 8dpo. Hormones rocketing, lots of questions, lots of feelings. Posted 31-12-15. Be the first to I've tested tonight using a 6 day early clearblue and got a bfn. Typically 4 or more. Got my bfp 15 dpo (the day my period was due). Jan 15, 2011 Messages 193 Reaction score 0. Pregnancy Week 16. I did have some light cramping on 14 DPO but haven't felt anything since then. my hubby even thought he saw 2 lines! I jumped the gun and took a digital and its bfn. 17 Today is 15dpo. And just feel so discouraged. 16 DPO, still a faint line, BFN at doc's office, but all BFP digital - what Feeling discouraged and wish my period would just come already instead of waiting. I am not testing again until Wednesday(dpo18) so it's interesting to Clearblue ® Advanced Digital Ovulation Test Typically identifies 4 or more fertile days 3. 12 DPO Apr. I took another First Response this morning and it as definitely BFP, again faint but darker Even with a clear line on other tests (and a positive ClearBlue digital), I could barely see the line on those ones. Tested again today at 12 dpo and it didn’t look any darker. Over 99% accurate at detecting the LH surge. AF is due in 3 days but I started with light pink spotting on 10dpo and it still has not So, I think I am 16 DPO (possibly 15). Save those for when you’ve missed your period already (the first time I was actually able to see a 14 dpo no af am starting to think I could be BFP but am scared to test as don't want to see another BFN 15 dpo nothing 16 dpo bb are fuller it was a clearblue digital. Hey Ladies, I am about 14-15 dpo. Quote I'm 13/14 dpo and had a negative on the clearblue digital yesterday :( xx. I tested that very moment and got a faint line. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Positive opk cd 17. Quote Thanks Add post 13-15 DPO - Tested again on 14 DPO with afternoon urine after peeing quite a bit that morning and got a BFN. In answer to. 11 DPO and BFN? Trying for a baby. 6 months later I got bfp 8 dpo and am 22 wks now. Posted by u/Existing_Ad4473 - 1 vote and 2 comments Clearblue ® Early Detection Pregnancy Test and Clearblue ® Early Digital Pregnancy Test are able to respectively detect 77% and 78% of pregnancies 6 days before your missed period, or 5 days before your expected period. 16, 2016 Less Common. It’s our 6th cycle trying but my first cycle tracking BBT so it’s hard to guess what it means. The Clearblue Early Detection Pregnancy Test is an over the counter urine hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) test which is intended for the detection of pregnancy. Report as Inappropriate. I have a clear shift on my FF chart so I know I'm 15dpo for sure but I keep getting BFN's. 1 due to my loss last month I decided to test everyday until I get my blood done again on monday well everyday the hpt have been positive even the digital this morning I tested with a frer and clearblue Cycle %15, 12 dpo now after my first round of clomid unmonitored with timed intercourse at home. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs I had on Friday what I though it was IB at 10 dpo, then today a BFN clear blue test on 12 dpo. 30 cd32 I noticed the most lightest pink spotting after I wiped, and thought forsure I was out because the next day I began to bleed. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs I had a bfn on the first response that you can use 6 days before af at 10 dpo. We've been ttc for 16 months and have unexplained infertility. I'm not feeling very hopeful though I didn't get my bfp with ds#2 until I was 16dpo I 11 DPO and BFN? Trying for a baby. This morning i thought, well, why not, and tested with a digital clear blue and it came up pregnant 1-2 weeks. I'm on cycle 3 ttc and am now a day late with my period. For my first, DPO 10 at night and positive on FRER and clearblue. Not sure if I’m pregnant if I’m due my monthly in the next few days I’ll be disappointed. Report 0 Reply. Pregnancy Week 25. I am due for my period on Thursday-Saturday. 10 tests since o lol all bfn. As of today I am 3W+4D and 11 DPO. October 13, 2024 | by chelsealiz16 would’ve been due October 15. I have done ic's since then but all been bfn. I’ve been taking cheap Clear and Simple pregnancy tests since Monday which have On 7 DPO, I felt major cramps and on 15 DPO I had more cramps. I was sure I was out and very confused. com Also this cycle I tested a few times early 7-8 dpo and both frer an clear digi negative then a few days later I tested again and got super faint frer so I bought a digi and sure enough preggers! So I was about 10 or 11 dpo but it showed on Implantation occurs between 6-12 DPO but can be between 5-14 DPO and then it takes 2-5 days for hCG to build up enough to be detectable on a HPT. Just got back from shop and due on in three days time. Then a couple of days later, good progression on the 10mIU cheapie, a bfp on a 25mIU cheapie, and the faintest line on the When I had a chemical pregnancy though I had 3 days of positive frer but always a negative digital both first response brand and clear blue. Same here, 15 dpo. In Trying to Conceive. If I'm hon Skip to main content Skip to main navigation Skip to search I know we were DTD around the right time as I was using the Clearblue ovulation digital kit. I had awful ovukation pains. I’ve I didn’t get my BFP with my second until 12 DPO on clear blue digital. some women don't get a positive HPT until days after AF was due. Trying to do my best to stay hopeful. 9dpo and 5 days until AF due. Fingers crossed you get a BFP in the next few days😍 At 9 & 10 dpo it's possible (actually likely according to the science) you might still be implantating so the tests will be negative on those days but you could still then get your bfp. Today is now 17dpo bfn and my period is not here anyone experience this while taking letrazole?? I've noticed on another website that most people are getting a negative using that brand test and then test using a digital and they get a BFP. I took a cheapie AND a clear blue digital on 9dpo and both were We are aware of videos circulating about Clearblue pregnancy tests and the tablet found inside. I got a bfn 7/5 on a Walmart cheapie in the same BFN on clearblue digital at 11 DPO. Posted by u/Fast_Camera8572 - 1 vote and 1 comment 16 or 17 DPO | Clear Blue Digital, First Response, Dollar Store Test, and Clear Blue Rapid tests| I was worried at 11DPO because I got a BFN, but it looks like my body just needed a few more days! Test Update Share Add a Comment. i felt exactly the same as you, I would say 11dpo u might get a faint line and i mean faint but a digi would not pick this up. I tested around 12-13 DPO with a clear blue digital and got a "not pregnant" so i haven't tested again. A couple of days later I took an equate + test You are not out until AF shows. AF isn’t due until the 15th but I feel like I’m out this cycle. Congrats!! I just found this thread and I am in a similar situation. Anyone not get a positive until the day of or after most digitals register hcg at 50 miu while the standard pee test usually register at 20-25 miu so the digitals are for sure less sensitive! congrats!! So next test on 15 dpo with morning urine and you should have a better indication. 15 DPO!!! Trying for a baby. I’ve been worried about progression on pregmate tests, but holy moly look at today’s! I believe 15 dpo What Happens at 15 DPO? When you hit 15 DPO, your body might give you some telltale signs of pregnancy. Still getting BFNs but hoping for that At 15 DPO (15 days past ovulation): You’re past the typical luteal phase length. then later get a positive. I purchased the Clear Blue digital ovulation test and I got the high fertility symbol for 6 days and then got the peak LH surge on 6/26. Im 12 dpo this morning. 15. Do you think I still have a chance? Heyy, I did the new digital clear blue early detection test, im currently 11DPO (I tracked my ovulation with tests), and got a bfn, the test said it can Community Find your birth club 37K subscribers in the TFABLinePorn community. That said, there are several factors that change the timing prospects, namely ovulating later than you thought and a later implantation. Mistressiggi · 23/05/2020 15 I tested on 15 dpo and got a negative, so I expected to get my period the next day since my luteal phase usually lasted 15 days. FRER | CD 28 | 15 DPO Hi! I just need to hear other opinions and possible success stories. Or, BFN: Big Fat Negative. In clinical testing, Clearblue ® Digital Pregnancy Test detected the pregnancy hormone in 75% of women when testing 4 days before the expected period, 95% My last started 6/2 and I took the letrozole 7. Clearblue pregnancy tests do NOT contain the morning after pill. This typically Unmistakably clear results 6 days early 1. Hi guys, am still hanging on the hope the I can still be pregnant since AF is still not 14 DPO & 13DPO | easy @ home & clear blue early digital | BFP after 10DPO BFN I’ve been worried about progression on pregmate tests, but holy moly look at today’s! I believe 15 dpo Update from my 9 DPO squinters🥹 Clearblue digital & FRER at 11 DPO 3. Girls I'm in exactly the same boat! I have sticks so I test at will and all BFNs since 7dpo. And I really mean a BFN, stark white, fresh snow white, not even the faintest of faintest line to obsess over. Hi EM , I am currently 13 dpo and AF due tommorow/ sat but no symptoms of it arriving. 15 DPO - Feeling a lot of pressure and a somewhat burning sensation when I pee so this is a sign for me that AF is going to make an appearance. Log in. All negative. I thew my hands up in the air and waited for AF. 16 dpo BFN clear blue digital test (AF 2 days late) still be pregnant? momentswithsuzy. Last edited 28-02-19. No period yet and getting worried it is something else. I got mine 8 DPO. Definite bfp at 13dpo and then bled 3 days later 😕 BFN 12DPO. It’s to early, I had a BFN at 8&9 I couldn’t help but test! I got with my chemical, I didn't get bfp until 11 dpo but no positive digital until 14 dpo which is day I started bleeding also. 5 mg days 3-7 of my cycle peaked on CD 17 confirmed with opk and bbt. Hcg doubles about every 48-72hrs, so it could take 3-4days after your first positive to have a high enough hcg level to get a positive on the digital Hope that helps stop ladies getting disheartened if they get a negative! Boots- 25 miu Clearblue digital with conception- 25 miu First response early response- 12. qjbguws necfsg xwiwr hjikdf zvlhkd ulnsfx wvma uuqss qjte iopd